Sunday, February 22, 2009

Creating Text Styles & Working with Fonts in AutoCAD

In this tutorial you learn how define a text style you can use over and over again.

  1. From the Format menu choose Text Style.
  2. Select the New button.

  3. Type FREEHAND to name the new style.
  4. Choose OK.
  5. From the list of fonts choose Freestyle Script.
  6. In the Oblique Angle box, type 15 to slant the text at 15 degrees.

      Note that if you type a width or height in the width or height boxes, you won't be able to change those values when you create text with this text style. Sometimes that is handy when you want to create a fixed height text font for everyone on a project to use.

  7. Choose Apply.
  8. Choose Close.
  9. From the Draw menu choose Text then Single Line Text.

  10. Click to select the start point of the text.
  11. Type 4' to specify the text height.
  12. Press ENTER to accept the rotation angle.
  13. Type Spocket & Sons to specify the text.
  14. Press ENTER again to exit this command.
    You can find all current defined text and dimension styles listed on the Styles toolbar.

You may find creating text styles in your template drawings saves you many, many hours on every project.
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